Kansas Genealogy Resources

Kansas is the “Sunflower State”. Do you have ancestors who lived in Kansas? If so, then you can take advantage of this list of Kansas genealogy resources. This is where to get started in your search for records, documents, cemeteries, genealogical Societies, and more! Ancestry.com has a page filled with links to their collections of records from Kansas. To access the majority of these collections, you must have an Ancestry.com membership. Sometimes, there will be a collection or two that is offered for free, for a limited time. Return to this page often! Ancestry.com will make it clear when a … Continue reading

Hawaii Genealogy Resources

Hawaii is “the Aloha state”. The word “aloha” can mean either hello or goodbye. Genealogists who are searching for their “ohana”, (their family), can use the following Hawaii genealogy resources to help them with their research. You might find ohana that you had no idea were part of your family tree. Say aloha! Ancestry.com has a page that is filled with links to all of their Hawaii genealogy collections of records. The majority of the collections are only accessible by people who have an Ancestry.com membership. Some are offered for free every once in a while. Return to this page … Continue reading

Georgia Genealogy Resources

The motto for the state of Georgia is “Wisdom, Justice, Moderation”. Genealogists are frequently seeking wisdom about their ancestors. Moderation is something that many genealogists tend to have difficulty with. There is always more research to be done! Here are some Georgia genealogy websites that can help you learn more about ancestors that came from Georgia! FamilySearch has a Wiki that has tons of helpful information about the state of Georgia. You can click on a link to find resources specific to any of the 159 counties in Georgia. There are also links to major repositories of archives in Georgia, … Continue reading

California Genealogy Resources

Searching for information about ancestors who lived in California? There are a lot of genealogy resources out there that can help you. They are scattered across the internet on a bunch of different websites. Here is a quick list of some California genealogy resources, all in one place. Ancestry.com has a database that lists all of their collections of California genealogy records. If you have a membership at Ancestry.com, then you will be able to access all of the collections. If you don’t, then you are restricted to the few that are being offered for free. Make sure to return … Continue reading

Ancestry.com Has Brand New Webinars!

Many genealogists go online in order to do their research, to add information to their family trees, or to find out about genealogy related news. Today, genealogists can also go online to attend a webinar. Ancestry.com has put together a bunch of new webinars that genealogists can watch for free! Ancestry.com is one of the biggest, most popular, genealogy websites. They are the company that sponsored the “Who Do You Think You Are?” television show. Recently, Ancestry.com bought Archives.com for $100 million. They keep adding more records and documents to their collections, and they have a frequently updated Facebook page. … Continue reading

Resources for Native American Genealogy

This is the time of year when genealogists might start to wonder if any of their ancestors were Native Americans. There are plenty of online genealogy resources that can help you get started with your research. You might also try speaking with your relatives, to see what family information they can share with you. There are some difficulties that genealogists can encounter when trying to do research about their Native American ancestors. There is potential that some of your ancestors were “Lost Birds”. In short, this means that your ancestor was among the children who were forcibly removed from their … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of July 12, 2011

You can learn a lot of things while listening to a podcast. There are plenty of genealogy related podcasts scattered across the internet. You can listen to them from their website, download them to your mp3 player, and sometimes even tune in to when the podcast is doing a live show. Here are some genealogy related podcasts that were recently released. The Geni blog podcast has a episode that was released on July 12, 2011. The episode is titled: “Cluster and Collateral Searches”. Thomas and Grant explain what each of those types of searches are, and teach genealogists how they … Continue reading

Genes Reunited Has Passenger Lists Online

Passenger lists are very useful pieces of information to genealogists. It can help you to pinpoint exactly when an ancestor decided to leave the country of his or her birth and begin living in another country. Genes Reunited now has passenger lists that genealogists can view online, for free, through their website. Genes Reunited is a genealogy website that is a sister site to both the Friends Reunited and the Friends Reunited Dating websites. The Genes Reunited website was launched in 2003, and is a good resource for genealogists to use. It is one of the UK’s leading family history … Continue reading

Watch Out for Genealogy Scams!

The internet is full of wonderful resources for genealogists. Unfortunately, it also has quite a few websites that are cleverly designed scams, that you could end up falling for if you don’t watch out. Some of the scam websites are designed to fool people who are new to genealogy, and may not know any better. First, let’s start with a quick lesson on internet safety. You are going to need to be very careful about the websites that you type your credit card information into. Never send your credit card number to a person or company that randomly sent you … Continue reading

View Presentations From RootsTech Conference For Free

Were you able to attend the recent RootsTech conference? If you were not able to go, it doesn’t mean that you have missed out on everything. You can watch some of the presentations online, right now, for free. You can also find some useful videos on YouTube from Genealogy Gems. The most recent RootsTech Conference took place in February, 2011. This conference takes place every year at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. The purpose of the conference is to bring together genealogists and the creators of technology that helps genealogists to do their research. This … Continue reading